FASTForward Ignores Police Action News

October 21, 2008

I took a look at the Microsoft Fast FASTForward Web log. You can find it here. The complete October 2008 archive is here. I found articles about SharePoint. I found write ups about Enterprise 2.0 (emergence and information plus other useful functions), transformation, social software, and search. What I did not find was any reference to the action taken by the Norwegian police on October 15, 2008. I am an addled goose. The thought did cross my mind that if a large company and an affiliate of Microsoft, an outfit with 100,000 employees and revenue north of $85 billion dollars is involved in a police action, a brief comment might be useful. The Web log appears to written by people who are not employees of Microsoft. The police action is important because it strikes at such issues as financial probity, trust, and reliability, among others. If the police action occurs, a bit of color from the FastForward Web log seems appropriate. A two line item pointing to an “official” statement by Microsoft would have been helpful to me. If a company wants to promote Enterprise 2.0 qualities, that firm may want to practice some Enterprise 2.0 behaviors. On the other hand, perhaps the lack of information is an indication of what is really meant by Enterprise 2.0 at Microsoft Fast. AIIM’s definition is:

A system of web-based technologies that provide rapid and agile collaboration, information sharing, emergence, and integration capabilities in the extended enterprise.

Omission fuels suspicion. With enough omission, this addled goose can fall into a muddle. Agree? Disagree? Let me know.

Stephen Arnold, October 21, 2008


2 Responses to “FASTForward Ignores Police Action News”

  1. Dan Keldsen on October 21st, 2008 10:37 am

    Stephen – interesting, hadn’t heard about the police action, and don’t have any further info. But I agree, transparency is as transparency does. That line isn’t always “clear” (pardon the pun), but acknowledging whatever has happened does seem worth a line or two.

    The FASTforward blog is sponsored by Microsoft/FAST but not owned/operated. So that’s unlikely to be the spot where this news comes out (at least “officially”) from Microsoft. It’s more a community of interested parties to the topics of Enterprise 2.0, Knowledge Management, collaboration, search, findability, etc..

    Incidentally, for the full details on our (AIIM) definition of Enterprise 2.0, the 80+ page report is a free download at: – for anyone interested in those findings.


  2. Stephen E. Arnold on October 21st, 2008 5:48 pm

    Dan Keidsen,

    Thanks for taking time to post. I was hopeful that the FASTForward Web log would cover news such as a police raid. Customers may want to know the company’s side of the story. I guess that’s not appropriate even though I thought it would have been a nice “transparent” touch.

    Stephen Arnold, October 21, 2008

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