Clear Thinking about Clouds

October 23, 2008

I just finished reading Kevin Kelly’s The Technium post about “Cloud Culture.” Please, click here to get the full text of this prescient article. The run down of cloud features is among the best I have seen. I don’t want to spoil your experience of reading Mr. Kelly’s article. I suggest you make a note of the attributes he identifies. Two or three of these are likely to spawn books or monographs. For me the most telling remark in the write up was this statement:

The cloud is a collective. Social media is a type of socialism. Open source software projects are kinds of communitarian schemes. When people share their medical records (Patients Like Me), or personal genomes (23andme), or their family photo albums — they are feeding a collective because by sharing them, their goods increase in value. The success of Wikipedia, Linux, and the web in general is priming a generation to be open to the power of the group. But unlike the old socialism models of old, the top-down social media of communism, the individuals are not forced to homogenize. Instead in this emerging Socialism 2.0, individuals (anyone can edit the encyclopedia!) are liberated via the power of the group.

If you have points to add to Mr. Kelly’s list, feel free to use the comments section of this Web log. I look forward to your remarks. A quiet two quacks to Mr. Kelly. High praise indeed.

Stephen Arnold, October 23, 2008


One Response to “Clear Thinking about Clouds”

  1. - Le Bionet, prochaine étape après le web sémantique? on July 28th, 2011 5:59 am

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