Mozenda: SaaS Data Extraction

October 23, 2008

Software as a Service vendor Mozenda is offering a free 30-day trial of its screen scraping/data extraction software – go here to register and download. The online software constructs customized data extraction agents. All mechanics and data are hosted by Mozenda. There are demos available, as well as individual pricing solutions. Might be useful for search enabled applications but it is early days.

Jessica Bratcher, October 22, 2008


3 Responses to “Mozenda: SaaS Data Extraction”

  1. Lucene + Hadoop + Zookeeper = Katta on October 23rd, 2008 3:59 am

    […] * Mozenda: SaaS Data Extraction […]

  2. Mozenda Web Data Extraction: Quick Review on October 30th, 2008 10:46 am

    […] already posted Mozenda in my Breakfast Links last week after BS recommended it to check it out. Since web monitoring and data extraction always was an issue for me I was really excited on it. I […]

  3. El SaaS, la tendencia top en 2009 | información Tecnológica on November 19th, 2008 12:10 pm

    […] Mozenda: SaaS Data Extraction […]

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