Google: Maturing More Quickly

November 14, 2008

Nicholas Carlson at Silicon Alley Insider has an interesting story about Google. The article “Google Finally Starts Firing Slackers” is here. Mr. Carlson explains that Google is taking a closer look at employee productivity. He writes, “You can’t slack off and expect to keep your job anymore”, which is a statement provided to Mr. Carlson by a reader. Mr. Carlson’s information dovetails with some comments I have heard. For example, some of the Googlers making sales calls are showing a bit more intensity recently. If these indications are accurate, Google may be maturing more quickly. And if not exactly acting like a Fortune 50 company, the firm is responding to the changing economic environment. Google may not winnow the bottom 10 percent of its work force the way some executives do, but change may be rippling through the GOOG. The next round of financial reports will be quite interesting.

Stephen Arnold, November 14, 2008


2 Responses to “Google: Maturing More Quickly”

  1. Daniel Hall on November 15th, 2008 5:40 am

    Wow, I would have thought they would need all the people they can get to cope with the number of intiatives they have on the go and to keep ahead. I would imagine if you get a job in google you would want to keep it

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on November 15th, 2008 3:15 pm

    Daniel Hall,

    Thank you for posting.

    Stephen Arnold, November 15, 2008

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