Can the Vista Disease Spread to SharePoint

December 1, 2008

Computer World in the UK ran an interesting story “The Outlook for Vista Gets Even Worse” on November 28, 2008. You can read the Glyn Moody’s story here: This is not another bash Vista write up. For me the most important comment is the one below:

…the myth of upgrade inevitability has been destroyed. Companies have realised that they do have a choice – that they can simply say “no”. From there, it’s but a small step to realising that they can also walk away from Windows completely, provided the alternatives offer sufficient data compatibility to make that move realistic.

If Windows Vista changes the rules, what happens when the 100 million SharePoint customers learn about the costs, the performance issues, and the lack of compatibility with other Microsoft products ranging from analytics to CRM? What happens when the push to move SharePoint customers to Fast Search’s Enterprise Search Platform spills a bucket of red ink? If the Computer World story is on track, the same push back could afflict SharePoint. The companies who benefit from this situation will be the search vendors with snap in solutions to information access problems. No happy face painted on the SharePoint system will be easily resolved if the Vista “disease” spreads.

Stephen Arnold, December 1, 2008


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