Surf Ray Rumblings and Questions

December 3, 2008

After a quiet period, my anonymous readers have provided me with a wide range of comments and “information” about SurfRay. I am not sure what to make of some the inputs, so I want to address these issues as questions in the hope that one or two of Beyond Search’s readers might be able to provide links to information about the company. The most substantive comment appeared as a remark to one of my earlier SurfRay posts. The writer pointed out that there was strong demand for products like Mondosoft and Ontolica. I would agree. In my endnote on Thursday, December 5, 2008, I will mention the appetite in the 100 million licenses that make up the SharePoint market for products that address some of the shortcoming in SharePoint search. From my research for the first three editions of the now out of print Enterprise Search Report and my Gilbane study here, I thought the Mondosoft and Ontolica products offered some useful functionality. I don’t know if these two systems have been upgraded on a regular basis, however. If the remarks in the comments to my SurfRay posts are indicative of the market perception of these products, my hunch is that somewhere along the line either updates or information about the updates went off track.

The questions that appear to be more timely than annual software updates are:

  1. Has the Copenhagen, Denmark, office been closed?
  2. Are there employees working in some other locations on the SurfRay products?
  3. Are there financial issues involving bank or government officials and SurfRay?

Links to newspapers or other Web logs would be useful. Opinions are okay, but they are what they are.

Stephen Arnold, December 3, 2008


3 Responses to “Surf Ray Rumblings and Questions”

  1. Torben Ellert on December 4th, 2008 10:25 am

    Picking up on these three questions, I’d like to offer some input straight from the horse’s mouth.

    The SurfRay Copenhagen office at Kronprincessegade 20 is open for business. The development department located at that office is the only development team currently working on SurfRay products. The focus for our development team is to bring updates and patches, as well as functionality upgrades, out to our customers following a failed outsourcing venture and a strategic refocus on the Ontolica and Mondosearch platforms.

    While SurfRay continues to enjoy good relations with its banking connections, we do have outstanding issues dealing with incorrectly filed VAT and income tax (which we are currently dealing with) as well as a number of un-reconciled legal cases (some of which related to the takeover of Mondosoft).

    We are committed to dealing with the outstanding issues we have in as equittable a manner as possible, and ensuring the viability of the company and providing an improved support and update experience to our customers.

  2. John on December 8th, 2008 3:20 pm
  3. SurfRay Round Up: Herd Them Doggies, Pardner : Beyond Search on February 5th, 2009 2:36 pm

    […] December 3, 2008: SurfRay Rumblings and Questions here […]

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