Microsoft Layoffs

December 9, 2008

Todd Bishop’s Microsoft Blog, produced by the Puget Sound Business Journal, reported on December 4, 2008, that Razorfish cut some fat. The most recent layoffs follow the 40 employees made redundant in October 2008. You can read the full story here. Razorfish is in the business of helping clients build high traffic Web sites. Microsoft got possession of the company with its acquisition aQuantive. The most recent layoffs affect West Coast offices. Like the Google, the economic downturn may provide a convenient smoke screen for trimming some staff. The aQuantive deal has gone silent in my opinion. Like the Fast Search and Powerset deals, Microsoft appears to act quickly and then permit the newly acquired units to sink or swim.

Stephen Arnold, December 9, 2008


One Response to “Microsoft Layoffs”

  1. Does the GeoWeb Need a Bailout? | Off the Map - Official Blog of FortiusOne on December 9th, 2008 3:02 pm

    […] for a while, but recently announced laying off and additional 2,000 employees. Microsoft has been laying off in much smaller numbers – most recently removing 40 employees from recently acquired aQuantive? None of this is GeoWeb […]

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