Expert System’s Luca Scagliarini

December 18, 2008’s Search Wizards Speak’s series has landed another exclusive. Hard on the heels of the interview with Autonomy’s chief operating officer, Luca Scagliarini, one of the senior executives at Expert System in Modena, Italy, explains the company’s technology and strategy for 2009. Mr. Scagliarini is a technologist’s technologist and a recognized leader in next generation search systems. The company’s COGITO technology has cut a wide swath through European markets and is now available in North America. Mr. Scagliarini told’s Beyond Search:

A major mobile handheld manufacturer uses our technology to address the issue of supporting new users in learning how to use the device. The objective was to reduce the return rate of the device AND to reduce the customer support costs. This natural language-based solution leverages our semantic technology to provide their customers with a simple and effective tool to answer questions and how-to queries with consistency and high precision. As of today the system has answered, in only 5 months, more than 4 million questions with more than 87% precision.

Search is no longer key word matching and long lists of results. Mr. Scagliarini said:

To deliver an effective question and answer system that works on more than a small set of FAQ, it is very important to have a deep understanding of the text. This is possible only through deep semantic analysis. We have several implementations of our natural language Q&A product recently renamed COGITO Answer. In the next 12 months, we will be investing to expand our footprint worldwide–especially in the U.S. and in the Persian Gulf region to replicate our European success there. In the U.S, we are now supporting customer service operations with natural language Q&A for a government unit of the Department of the Interior and we are one of only 5 semantic partners actively promoted by Oracle.

You can read the complete interview with Mr. Scagliarini on the Web site or you can click here. More information about the company and its technology may be found on the firm’s Web site or click here.


2 Responses to “Expert System’s Luca Scagliarini”

  1. su mon mon kyaw on February 14th, 2009 3:24 am

    I want to know about the “Expert System concerned with Dental Caries”.
    And I also want to know “Inference Engine,Knowledge_base,Explanation Facility,User_Interface in Expert System” detail.

    I cannot use expertly Internet, so I cannot search easily when I want to find data.

    I expect your reply.

    Thank you,

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on February 14th, 2009 11:41 am

    Su mon mon kyaw,

    Hate to surprise you, but I am not interested in backfilling information to a reader who “expects” me to do something without paying for my time. Look elsewhere for illumination without a fee structure. Hint: navigate to That will work for you for sure.

    Stephen Arnold, February 14, 2009

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