The Pope Is Googley

December 20, 2008

SurfRay, the on again off again search vendor, was officially excommunicated. The Vatican, according to here has embraced Googzilla, scales, fangs, and claws. John Henry Westen wrote:

The immense archives on the Vatican site are now searchable through a dedicated Google interface. Between you, me and the gatepost, the Vatican Web site’s old search engine was notoriously hard to figure out.

Ouch. Pretty harsh words for Mondosoft. The Google is blessed, and Mondosoft is condemned to one of Dante’s most unpleasant regions, the Eighth Circle, where fasifiers suffer. Meanwhile the GOOG is in an exalted state. The big question in my mind is, “Who is the Beatrice?”

Stephen Arnold, December 20, 2008


One Response to “The Pope Is Googley”

  1. The ugliest google logo ever made in history | Barnabas Nagy on December 25th, 2008 8:13 pm

    […] The Pope Is Googley […]

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