Google Cost Cutting

January 14, 2009

The GOOG is implementing its New Year resolutions to reduce costs and focus. Beyond Search has learned that Google is trimming the sails of some weak sister services; to wit: Google Video, Google Catalog Search, Google Notebook, Google Mashup Editor, and at long last the deflated Dodgeball. You can get links on’s Overflight service here or navigate to the official Google announcements on Catalogs here, Notebook here, and Video here. Details are Googley, so the Beyond Search team is poking around for more information. “Stopping development” does not mean the services are no longer online… yet.

Stephen Arnold, January 14, 2009


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  1. » Yahoo gets a new boss and more of this week’s search engine news (Jan 18) on January 18th, 2009 8:51 am

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