Google Shutters Trondheim Office

January 15, 2009

According to here, Google has closed its office. The reason is that the company wants to streamline its operations. Google itself has not said, “The Trondheim office is closed.” Pia Martin Wold and Kristoffer Furberg’s story here suggests that the lack of skilled labor may be a contributing factor. A story by Marius Jørgenrud and Ander Brenna here adds some color to this development. Their story appeared in Trondheim is not a large operation for Google, but the city has a solid technical reputation, particularly in search. Google’s office in Luleå, Sweden, may be on the same track as well. Beyond Search believes that small Google offices add to costs, so concentration in larger cities makes financial sense. Microsoft may be able to snag some of the former Googlers. A happy quack to the Beyond Search reader who alerted us to this second alleged reduction in force at the Google. The first wave of cutbacks affected contractors. The second allegedly cut loose 100 recruiters. Now comes, if true, closures of small offices.

Stephen Arnold, January 15, 2009


2 Responses to “Google Shutters Trondheim Office”

  1. Andreas Ringdal on January 15th, 2009 8:51 am
  2. More Google Layoffs : Beyond Search on February 10th, 2009 12:03 am

    […] down that included RIFs (engineers too), the apparent closure its office in Trondheim, Sweden, ( and the announcement that it was reorganizing Google Israel offices […]

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