Cognition Technologies: Gospels Demo Available

January 18, 2009

Cognition Technologies has put up a new demo that allows users to search the Gospels of the Bible. The system has processed the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You can find the demo from the Cognition Technologies’ home page at or here.

The company selected this corpus to showcase Cognition Technologies’ ability to deal with metaphorical language. The natural language processing system permits queries by words, phrases, and questions. The company said:

We have worked very hard to show companies interested in semantically-enabling their technologies that Cognition’s technology understands language and concept nuance.

Biblical texts are difficult to parse and tag. Keep this in mind when you look at the demo. The easiest content to process is tidy, scientific, technical, and medical content chock full of jargon. Texts like the Gospels are stuffed with fuzziness, concepts, and metaphors.

For more information about the Cognition Technologies’ system, you can explore the firm’s Web site or you can read an analysis in the Gilbane Group’s study “Beyond Search” here.

Stephen Arnold, January 18, 2009


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