Google Video Tweak

January 21, 2009

Network World reported that “Google Finds Way to Better Clue You in about YouTube Video” here. The source of the story is a Google Web log. You can get live updates on the Google blog network here. The enhancement makes more relevant thumbnails available for certain videos. The idea is that a still image provides a hint about the content of the video in a results list. For me the most important comment in the write up was:

The researchers point out that plowing through all the submitted YouTube video is a huge challenge: as much as 13 hours of video comes in per hour and of course the content is quite diverse.

Keep in mind that is in the top three or four search systems in terms of traffic. That means that Microsoft and Yahoo have their work cut out for them when it comes to closing the gap with Googzilla. Our tests show that it is possible to create a complete course on a topic like physics or math using only Google’s content. I wonder if the textbook publishers see what’s happened to Probably not.

Stephen Arnold, January 21, 2009


One Response to “Google Video Tweak”

  1. marc arenstein on January 21st, 2009 11:04 am

    There’s a possibly emerging market in turning static content into video. A company that claims to turn webpages into video or introduce dynamic video into static websites is although it appears not to work on mozilla (chrome works though).

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