EntropySoft Adds Connector

January 23, 2009

EntropySoft has added another connector to its collection; this one is a Documentum eRoom connector. It enables read and write access to content stored in the EMC Documentum eRoom , a a complex application for dealing with unstructured content.  EntropySoft’s goal with every connector — there are more than 30 — is to facilitate content access and interoperability, which facilitates search. I’ve written about them a couple times before, check out the Beyond Search archive.  Taking the Documentum connector idea a step further, EntropySoft just inked a deal with Image Integration Systems to integrate its connectors into Image Integration’s DocuSphere line of business process management products. Using existing Image Integration contracts with enterprise content managers (Microsoft SharePoint, OpenText LiveLink, EMC Documentum, among others), EntropySoft will expand its opportunities for connector business. If you want to keep track of developments and connectors, EntropySoft has a newsletter. You can subscribe here. We do.

Jessica W. Bratcher, Jan. 22, 2009


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