Word and C#: Now That’s User Friendly

January 25, 2009

This item is not directly about search, but it has to do with content creation. Close enough. The headline that stopped me in my web footed tracks was, “Take the Pain Out of Creating Word Documents by Using C# and XML” here. To be a little fair, Chris Bennett is writing to developers. But the inclusion of a reference to Microsoft Word almost guarantees that non developers will see his write up. The idea is to put a chunk of code on a server that converts whatever is on a Web page to a Word file format. He provides a clear explanation. I particularly liked the detail for the “transformation method” but you may not be as keen on reading scripts as I. You can convert an XML into a Word document using XSLT. My thought was provide the XHTML or XML and a link that spits out a PDF. You will see this approach in action when my new Google patent search system becomes available. One of the new vendors of super fast search technology will provide the stallion for my service. Watch for more details. We’re shooting to release in the first week of February 2009. No C# required either. Free service. More Google open source information. With world finally discovering Ramanathan Guha, I thought it would be useful to provide access to documents for a method that’s approaching the age of four. We don’t want the pundits to rush too quickly toward understanding Google. That effort would take time away from figuring out how to convert a Web page to a Word file.

Stephen Arnold, January 25, 2009


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