The Zune Effect

January 26, 2009

Activenetwork has a short news item “Frankly Speaking: For Microsoft, the Pain Is Just Beginning” here. The short item’s headline stated what few want to believe. The snippet included this sentence, “…It’s big because it means Microsoft has begun to hit bottom… Microsoft has never learned the lessons of the original IBM. My thought was that this statement is not 100 percent accurate. Microsoft’s combination of multiple initiatives, technical tangles, and market missteps deserves a name. I suggest “the Zune effect.” Apple trundles happily along. The Zune effect. Google chugs forward. The Zune effect. A working definition, “A mix of bad timing, technology issues, and misreads of the market set the stage for a rough journey.” Thoughts?

Stephen Arnold, January 26, 2009


2 Responses to “The Zune Effect”

  1. vitor on January 26th, 2009 3:13 am

    I predict Apple, Google and 90% of IT business will take substantial hit within a year and stay down there for a long time. Those who seem safe now will not escape it in the following quarters, and it won’t be the only round of layoffs for MSFT either. No one will be left behind in this era which will be known in future as “Great Depression 2.0”. The bad monetary policies over the past 3 decades will crash down on us w/o mercy. We let Fed Res print money out of thin air for too long and therefore generate this phony booms that end up in tragic busts every time. When we artificially mess with economy, we create disasters that sometimes are so big they become massive distinction of economy, which in many signs indicate it’s what we are experiencing right now.

    My advice for you Mr. Arnold since you are heading toward retirement. Watch out for your money. If it’s in any shape of form linked to Dollar, run for cover!!! Invest it into safe places like gold or sth before it gets debased by Bernanke. The massive inflation is coming w/ Feds printing money like crazy for all these bailouts and stimulus.

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on January 26th, 2009 6:53 pm


    I have no money. I am an addled goose, essentially retired. I write this Web log because I have free time and an Internet connection from a neighbor. I can’t run for cover. I can waddle. Your advice is what I call mom like. I hate to share this with you, but I pretty much ignored mom advice when I was 10 and I still do.

    Stephen Arnold, January 26, 2009

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