Video Sites and Search

January 27, 2009

ZDNet posts interesting statistical data, a bit like the old Predicasts’ File 16 data on Dialog minus the type charges. On January 23, 2009, Alex Moskalyuk summarized the comScore video site traffic data. You can view his original post here. I took a look at the data and did some quick fiddling around. I was interested in how much additional traffic one of the video sites listed would have to generate to pull even with in the month reported in the table. Here’s my rework:

Property Viewers, 000 Share Traffic Needed
Total Internet 146,064 100.00%
Google Sites 97,928 67.045%
Fox Interactive Media 58,115 39.787% 39,813
Yahoo! Sites 39,956 27.355% 57,972
Microsoft Sites 34,979 23.948% 62,949
Viacom Digital 27,109 18.560% 70,819
Hulu 22,456 15.374% 75,472
AOL LLC 22,442 15.364% 75,486
Turner Network 20,735 14.196% 77,193
Disney Online 13,028 8.919% 84,900
Time Warner – Excl. AOL 12,564 8.602% 85,364
Source: comScore

What’s interesting is that, to pick one video site that gets a lot of hype as a competitor needs to attract 75,486,000 more visitors to match’s traffic. What surprised me what the strong showing of Fox Interactive Media. Fox needs only 39,813,000 more visitors to reach parity with I don’t watch video but it seems that Google’s 67 percent market share in video may not be as solid as its 70 percent share in Web search. The gap in video is narrower at least for Fox.

Stephen Arnold, January 27, 2009


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