Lexalytics’ Jeff Caitlin on Sentiment and Semantics

February 3, 2009

Editor’s Note: Lexalytics is one of the companies that is closely identified with analyzing text for sentiment. When a flow of email contains a negative message, Lexalytics’ system can flag that email. In addition, the company can generate data that provides insight into how people “feel” about a company or product. I am simplifying, of course. Sentiment analysis has emerged as a key content processing function, and like other language-centric tasks, the methods are of increasing interest.

Jeff Caitlin will speak at what has emerged as the “must attend” search and content processing conference in 2009. The Infonortics’ Boston Search Engine meeting features speakers who have an impact on sophisticated search, information processing, and text analytics. Other conferences respond to public relations; the Infonortics’ conference emphasizes substance.

If you want to attend, keep in mind that attendance at the Boston Search Engine Meeting is limited. To get more information about the program, visit the Infonortics Ltd. Web site at www.infonortics.com or click here.

The exclusive interview with Jeff Caitlin took place on February 2, 2009. Here is the text of the interview conducted by Harry Collier, managing director of Infonortics and the individual who created this content-centric conference more than a decade ago. Beyond Search has articles about Lexalytics here and here.

Will you describe briefly your company and its search / content processing technology?

Lexalytics is a Text Analytics company that is best known for our ability to measure the sentiment or tone of content. We plug in on the content processing side of the house, and take unstructured content and extract interesting and useful metadata that applications like Search Engines can use to improve the search experience. The types of metadata typically extracted include: Entities, Concepts, Sentiment, Summaries and Relationships (Person to Company for example).

With search / content processing decades old, what have been the principal barriers to resolving these challenges in the past?

The simple fact that machines aren’t smart like people and don’t actually “understand” the content it is processing… or at least it hasn’t to date. The new generation of text processing systems have advanced grammatic parsers that are allowing us to tackle some of the nasty problems that have stymied us in the past. One such example is Anaphora resolution, sometimes referred to as “pronominal preference”, which is a bunch of big confusing sounding words to explain the understanding of “pronouns”. If you took the sentence, “John Smith is a great guy, so great that he’s my kids godfather and one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.” For people this is a pretty simple sentence to parse and understand, but for a machine this has given us fits for decades. Now with grammatic parsers we understand that “John Smith” and “he” are the same person, and we also understand who the speaker is and what the subject is in this sentence. This enhanced level of understanding is going to improve the accuracy of text parsing and allow for a much deeper analysis of the relationships in the mountains of data we create every day.

What is your approach to problem solving in search and content processing? Do you focus on smarter software, better content processing, improved interfaces, or some other specific area?

Lexalytics is definitely on the better content processing side of the house, our belief is that you can only go so far by improving the search engine… eventually you’re going to have to make the data better to improve the search experience. This is 180 degrees apart from Google who focus exclusively on the search algorithms. This works well for Google in the web search world where you have billions of documents at your disposal, but hasn’t worked as well in the corporate world where finding information isn’t nearly as important as finding the right information and helping users understand why it’s important and who understands it. Our belief is that metadata extraction is one of the best ways to learn the “who” and “why” of content so that enterprise search applications can really improve the efficiency and understanding of their users.

With the rapid change in the business climate, how will the increasing financial pressure on information technology affect search / content processing?

For Lexalytics the adverse business climate has altered the mix of our customers, but to date has not affected the growth in our business (Q1 2009 should be our best ever). What has clearly changed is the mix of customers investing in Search and Content Processing, we typically run about 2/3 small companies and 1/3 large companies. In this environment we are seeing a significant uptick in large companies looking to invest as they seek to increase their productivity. At the same time, we’re seeing a significant drop in the number of smaller companies looking to spend on Text Analytics and Search. The Net-Net of this is that if anything Search appears to be one of the areas that will do well in this climate, because data volumes are going up and staff sizes are going down.

Microsoft acquired Fast Search & Transfer. SAS acquired Teragram. Autonomy acquired Interwoven and Zantaz. In your opinion, will this consolidation create opportunities or shut doors. What options are available to vendors / researchers in this merger-filled environment?

As one of the vendors that works closely with 2 of the 3 the major Enterprise Search vendors we see these acquisitions as a good thing. FAST for example seems to be a well-run organization under Microsoft, and they seem to be very clear on what they do and what they don’t do. This makes it much easier for both partners and smaller vendors to differentiate their products and services from all the larger players. As an example, we are seeing a significant uptick in leads coming directly from the Enterprise Search vendors that are looking to us for help in providing sentiment/tone measurement for their customers. Though these mergers have been good for us, I suspect that won’t be the case for all vendors. We work with the enterprise search companies rather than against them, if you compete with them this may make it even harder to be considered.

As you look forward, what are some new features / issues that you think will become more important in 2009? Where do you see a major break-through over the next 36 months?

The biggest change is going to be the move away from entities that are explicitly stated within a document to a more ‘fluffy’ approach. Whilst this encompasses things like inferring directly stated relationships – “Joe works at Big Company Inc” – is a directly stated relationship it also encompasses being able to infer this information from a less direct statement. “Joe, got in his car and drove, like he did everyday his job at Big Company Inc.” It also covers things like processing of reviews and understanding that sound quality is a feature of an iPod from the context of the document, rather than having a specific list. It also encompasses things of a more semantic nature. Such as understanding that a document talking about Congress is also talking about Government, even though Government might not be explicitly stated.

Graphical interfaces and portals (now called composite applications) are making a comeback. Semantic technology can make point and click interfaces more useful. What other uses of semantic technology do you see gaining significance in 2009? What semantic considerations do you bring to your product and research activities?

One of the key uses of semantic understanding in the future will be in understanding what people are asking or complaining about in content. It’s one thing to measure the sentiment for an item that you’re interested in (say it’s a digital camera), but it’s quite another to understand the items that people are complaining about while reviewing a camera and noting that the “the battery life sucks”. We believe that joining the subject of a discussion to the tone for that discussion will be one of the key advancements in semantic understanding that takes place in the next couple of years.

Where can I find out more about your products, services and research?

Lexalytics can be found on the web at www.lexalytics.com. Our Web log discusses our thoughts on the industry: www.lexalytics.com/lexablog. A downloadable trial is available here. We also have prepared a white paper, and you can get a copy here.

Harry Collier, February 3, 2009


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