Googzilla versus the Bambies
February 6, 2009
Charles Cooper wrote “Google Killers? I Don’t Think So” here. I must admit that I would never have thought to identify Google’s Web search competitors as also rans. But after reading his Coop’s Corner post on February 5, 2009, I concede that he has a point. The hook for the article is a study by an advertising oriented trade magazine. And if anyone knows about Web search, it will definitely be an advertising oriented trade magazine. The sharp pencil crowd at AdWeek, according to Mr. Cooper, published “There’s Still Room for Google Killers”, a study. For me the most interesting comment in Mr. Cooper’s article was:
Consumers are still not loyal to a single engine. But Google still enjoys the most exclusivity–20 percent of all searchers use only Google on a weekly basis.
If a company enjoys a market share north of 60 percent, I would assert that some people are happy with the GOOG. When the competitors are not making much headway, I would suggest that those competitors are not pushing the right buttons. Mr. Cooper, like me, urges his readers to draw their own conclusions.
I think that the ad crowd is waking up too late to the reality of Googzilla. The good news is that most companies still want a pr or ad relationship at least some of the time. The bad news is that Google can disintermediate this service sector with a flick of its Googzilla tail. My suggestion to ad agencies: check out Google’s partner programs today.
Stephen Arnold, February 6, 2009