More Google Layoffs

February 10, 2009

Interesting article at concerning the GOOG and quiet employee cuts. According to the blog post, some industry people are all a-Twitter with the news, acting like it was unexpected. But Google has already been in the news about some paring down that included RIFs (engineers too), the apparent closure its office in Trondheim, Sweden, ( and the announcement that it was reorganizing Google Israel offices ( With the economy the way it is, why are people surprised that even the GOOG would have a deadwood reduction plan? As a side note, one of the addled geese here at Beyond Search wrote about the great Twitter versus Google battle. You can read that article here. Maybe Twitter’s the as-it-happens news source, replacing the you-were-there of the dead tree crowd.

Jessica W. Bratcher, February 10, 2009


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