Another Google Glitch
February 16, 2009
More technical woes befuddle the wizards at Google. According to SERoundTable’s article “Google AdSense and AdWords Reportings Takes a Weekend Break” [sic] here, these systems analytic reports did not work. I wonder if Googzilla took a rest on Valentine’s Day? The story provides a link to Google’s “good news” explanation of the problem in AdWords help. provides links to the various “discussions” and “conversations” about this issue. This addled goose sees these as “complaints” and “snarls”, but that’s the goose’s refusal to use the lingo of the entitlement generation.
Call it what you will. The GOOG has been showing technical missteps with what the goose sees as increasing frequency. The Google plumbing reached state of the art in the 1998 to 2004 period. Now the question is can the plumbing and the layers of software piled on top of Chubby and the rest of the gang handle the challenges of and Google knows what to do to counter these real time search challengers. The question is, “Will its software system and services allow Googzilla to deal with these threats in an increasingly important search sector?” I am on the fence because of these technical walkabouts in mission critical systems like AdSense and AdWords. Who would have thought that the GOOG couldn’t keep its money machine up and running on Cupid’s day? Is there a lack of technical love in Mountain View due to other interests?
Stephen Arnold, February 16, 2009