YAGG: Google Groups

March 4, 2009

ZDNet Web Logs reported here that “Archived discussions on all Google Groups were unavailable for a short time this afternoon.” Groups are social. Social is hot. Might be a good idea to keep these services up and running. And don’t beat up on me. I’m not a Googler, just an addled goose. An old addled goose. I am just pointing to the post by Ed Burnette. If you have forgotten, YAGG is yet another Google glitch. Coming with shorter intervals between each event. What do you think? Normal? Signs of deterioration? Growing pains? Indifference? I am clueless.

Stephen Arnold, March 4, 2009


One Response to “YAGG: Google Groups”

  1. Errol Mars on March 5th, 2009 12:48 am

    Could all these recent glitches be evidences of Google rolling out new infrastructure across all their services? I think there is a lot more going on than just random glitches.

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