Google Latitude: Warrant Needed
March 6, 2009
eWeek’s “Google Promises Memory Loss for Latitude” here asserted that Google will respond to concerns about privacy with its Latitude service. Latitude, as you may know, shows your “friends” where you are in almost real time. Google’s service, like Loopt, will require a warrant before providing location based data to law enforcement agency. That is good news because it means that Google will cooperate when appropriate documents are in place. Law enforcement officials are overwhelmed, understaffed, and asked to do more with fewer resources. The hassle that some online services make when legitimate requests for information are thwarted does not, in my opinion, do much more than clog an already overburdened system. This addled goose is perfectly okay with rapid innovation in geospatial services. The addled goose is quite happy that a warrant will provide data that can be used by law enforcement.
Stephen Arnold, March 6, 2009