SurfRay: Direction Becoming Clearer

March 6, 2009

A reader in Denmark asked me, “Have you read that Vaekstfonden has acquired SurfRay?” I had not read that nor had I heard the rumor. I checked the investment firm’s Web page this morning and I did not see any information about this step, which makes sense. I recall seeing Vaekstfonden’s name referenced in the documents I gathered when I started tracking the SurfRay activity. As you may know, SurfRay offers the Mondosoft, Ontolica, and Speed of Mind search and content processing technology. I located a ComputerWorld story here that appears to confirm the sale. My Danish is not too good, but I think the gist is that with the change in ownership, the Vaekstfonden sees the Danish technology as a solid. New management will be installed. The article references other SurfRay products with which I was not familiar; namely, IdleSurf. More information will be finding its way to Harrod’s Creek. If a reader has additional information, please, use the Comments section of this Web log. It’s a help to me if you have a source and can include it. With new information about old companies I need some guidance.

Stephen Arnold, March 6, 2009


One Response to “SurfRay: Direction Becoming Clearer”

  1. Josh Noble on March 10th, 2009 2:24 pm

    The following announcement can be found on SurfRay’s home page.

    SurfRay is back in business after reconstruction.

    We are pleased to announce the continued support and commitment to SurfRay’s over 2400 customers world wide. This enables us to protect our customers’ investment in our products by ensuring access to a future upgrade path, support and new products.

    The Ontolica and MondoSearch product lines, as well as IdleSurf, BehaviorTracking, InformationManager, Speed Index and Speed of Mind, will be carried forward by the old development and support teams under new management with extensive experience in international enterprise software.

    On March 3rd 2009, SurfRay 2009 A/S acquired all assets of SurfRay A/S including the US operation SurfRay Inc, the rights to products sold and marketed by the previous company, as well as all responsibilities for supporting the entire customer base.

    SurfRay has been a market leader since 2004 in knowledge management and discovery on websites, corporate intranets and across the gamut of information sources.

    For any questions please contact

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