Good SharePoint in the Cloud Forecast

March 7, 2009

I try to look at what’s new from the Microsoft SharePoint, Fast Search, and related content processing units once a week. Since the Fast Forward 2009 road map, there’s been not too much to grab my attention. I am fascinated with road maps. These are easier to create and deploy than software. I did come across a very useful set of PowerPoint slides here. The focus is SharePoint from the cloud. My hunch is that Microsoft will be packing SharePoint with search technology when the road map converts to shipping code. If this url doesn’t work for you, navigate here and click the faint Download link at Note that this information is on a Microsoft Sky Drive in Adobe PDF format, a fact I find amusing. The presentation is by Serge van den Oever of Macaw. Parts of the talk are in Dutch, but the meaty stuff is in the diagrams. Here’s an example of the type of information available. Note: this is a portion of a single slide; there’s more on the original:


Another useful slide shows the pricing in US dollars. Navigate to the original for this information. I don’t know how touchy the Microsoft legal eagles are about folks reproducing non a Dutch presentation with US SharePoint costs. There’s a screen shot of an application from Metavistech which looks interesting as well. There’s even a “pimp my SharePoint” slide for those with a yen to customize SharePoint and a sense of the California car culture. Instead of a hot tub, the slide suggests adding a wiki to SharePoint. Sounds cool.

Stephen Arnold, March 7, 2009


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