Search: Still in Its Infancy

March 9, 2009

Click here and read the job postings for intelligence professionals. Notice that the skills are those that require an ability to manipulate information, not just in English but in other languages. Here’s a portion of one posting:

Core Collector-certified Collection Management Officers (CMO’s) oversee and facilitate the collection, evaluation, classification, and dissemination of foreign intelligence developed from clandestine sources. CMO’s play a critical role in ensuring that foreign intelligence collected by clandestine sources is relevant,

I keep reading about search is stable and search is simple. I don’t think so. Because language is complex, the challenge for search and content processing vendors is significant. With more than 150 systems available to manipulate information, one would think that software could handle basic collection and analysis, right? Software helps but search is still in its infancy. The source of the jobs? The US Central Intelligence Agency, which is reasonably well equipped with search, text processing, and content analysis systems. Too bad the reality of search is complex, but some find it easy to say the problem is solved and move on in a fog of wackiness.

Stephen Arnold, March 9, 2009


One Response to “Search: Still in Its Infancy”

  1. Felix on March 10th, 2009 3:50 am

    I couldn’t agree with you more Stephen! One aspects of this problem is that whilst huge strides have been made in Search technology, the seschers themselves are being left behind with the the knowledge or means of how to extract value or benefits from them!

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