Microsoft and Pirated Windows

March 15, 2009

I saw a link to Dan Hong’s “Microsoft Pardons Users of Pirated Windows: Defrauded Customers May Be Eligible for Free Windows XP Pro, but with Some Strings Attached” and wondered, “Is this a kinder, gentler Microsoft?” You can read the story here. Some youngsters and young at heart oldsters see piracy, which is theft, as A OK. According to Mr. Hong, “Microsoft is offering users a chance to redeem themselves for having purchased—unwittingly—computers   or software containing counterfeit versions of the Windows XP operating system. All customers have to do is turn in the alleged perpetrators.” The offer is valid through July 30, 2009. If true, I find this interesting. Presumably Microsoft has worked out a method for determining which reports are valid and which are spoofs. I assume that those falsely accused may express some concern about the approach. Lawyers working on this project for Microsoft are probably quite happy with the program.

Stephen Arnold, March 15, 2009


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