Emotional Search

March 20, 2009

There’s social search. People search. now there’s emotional search. This new species is explained by Patricia Skinner in her article “Search is Getting All Emotional Thanks to Twitter” here. I have been getting email explaining that my Twitter stories are chasing off some readers. Not much I can do about that. Free Web log and all that apply. Her point was:

Because Twitter is essentially a huge network of millions of tiny networks (you and your friends), talking about what matters to you and what you think about. So a kind of ‘innate, emotional-level understanding’ is built in.

Ms. Skinner includes some examples, a bit of information about behavioral marketing, and some examples. I agree with most of her points. Is Twitter important to search? In my opinion, yep. I don’t care much for the emotional angle, but tapping real time content flows is a big deal.

Stephen Arnold, March 20, 2009


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