Apple Google: The Arrogant to Teach the Arrogant

March 23, 2009

I found the CNet article “What Google Should Learn from Apple” here amusing. In my opinion, some of the CNet articles are he-said she-saids. Mr. Matyszczyk’s approach appeals to me. He used a Google arts and crafts person’s resignation as a spring board to this idea: Data crushes artistic instinct. I think he’s was right. For me, the most interesting observation in the article was:

The fact is that human beings are astoundingly, depressingly, maddeningly human. Which makes them irrational, contradictory, capricious and, sometimes, just plain nuts. These aspects are the hardest for engineers to get their talents around because, one hopes, they are impossible for engineers to get their talents around.

I have just one thought which I wish to capture. Is this the arrogant leading the arrogant?

Stephen Arnold, March 22, 2009


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