Google: Economy Slowing Juggernaut’s Tie Ups

March 24, 2009

Reuters’s Alexei Oreskovic’s “Google Deal Machine Adjusts to Slow Times” caused several readers to send me links to the story. You can read it here if you haven’t already seen the article. The main idea is that the lousy economy is having an adverse impact on Google. The examples in the write up focused on Google deals.For me, the most interesting comment in the article was this sentence:

Rumors have recently swirled about Google having its eye on social-networking upstart Twitter and online travel agency Expedia (EXPE.O).

Reuters’ sources run counter to what I have read elsewhere and commented upon in this Web log. Google has seemed indifferent to Twitter, the real time search upstart. Now, Twitter has an ad experiment of sorts underway with its news pals. The Wall Street Journal reported that Twitter has a deal with Microsoft and Federated Media. You may or may not be able to reach the WSJ story here. Those dead tree folks are quite protective of their content as part of their ossification and petrifaction processes, which is definitely less useful than indifference in my opinion.

So, who’s is correct? Reuters? The Wall Street Journal? My hunch is that Google is looking for bargains. I can’t recall what the MBAs in New York call this type of deal hunt. Bottom something?

Stephen Arnold, March 25, 2009


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