ISYS Search Software: Google Patent Collection

March 24, 2009

You will want to take a look at the ISYS Search Software demonstration here. The company took my collection of Google patent documents from 1998 to December 2008 and processed them. You can run a key word query, click on the names of people, and explore this window into Google’s technology hot house via the ISYS Search Version 9. When you locate a patent document that interests you, a single click will display the PDF of the patent document. You can browse the drawings and claims with the versatile ISYS system at your beck and call.

I have used the ISYS Search Software since Version 3.0. The system delivers high speed document processing, high speed query processing, and a raft of features. For more information about ISYS Version 9, click here. I have been critical of search systems for more than two decades. ISYS Search Software engineers’ have listened to me, and I know from experience that the team in Crow’s Nest and in Denver have a long term commitment to their customers and implementing useful features with each release.

Highly recommended. More information about ISYS Search Software is at

Stephen Arnold, March 24, 2009


One Response to “ISYS Search Software: Google Patent Collection”

  1. ISYS Enterprise Search Insights » Blog Archive » Searching Google Patents With ISYS » ISYS Search Software Blog on March 24th, 2009 1:24 pm

    […] search solution for enterprise search, intranet search and site search.  ArnoldIT officially announced the new site today.  For the Google Patent Search demonstration site, we unlocked a handful of advanced search, […]

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