ATT on Social Networking Impacts

March 25, 2009

AT&T teamed with an azure chip consultancy Early Strategies Consulting. The white paper is eight pages of information about “The Business Impacts of Social Networking”. You can find a copy of this document by clicking the link here. The newly and partially reassembled Ma Bell has a tendency to move content around. If this link doesn’t work, just buzz AT&T customer service. The operators will be delighted to help you.

What’s the point of the white paper? According to the executive summary:

Social networking fosters collective intelligence, collaborative work and support communities. Tools and behaviors from the consumer world are now making the transition to the corporate world, with diverse implications for changing the way businesses operate. This paper explores 10 opportunities presented by social networking, along with 10 associated challenges.

My hunch is that the paper is designed to generate revenue.

For me, the most interesting part was the diagram of the organization chart of the future. The idea is that the traditional top down organization will have social networks embedded within them.


A close second was the vocabulary of the document. I enjoyed this blend of Ma Bell and MBA speak. Give it a read then send the document around and up the organization chart of the future.

Stephen Arnold, Marcy 25, 2009


One Response to “ATT on Social Networking Impacts”

  1. I’m on LinkedIn, Now What? — on March 27th, 2009 3:58 pm

    […] ATT on Social Networking Impacts ( […]

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