Search Marketing AI Engine

March 26, 2009

I receive a handful of mirthful email each month. One reader alerted me to a Web site that makes it easy to generate search, content processing, and text mining marketing documents. I am not sure if this site is funny ha ha or funny painful. Please, decide for yourself. Navigate to the Corporate Gibberish Generator here. I generated the following text for a made up company called Enterprise Search Consulting Actualizers (ESCA). The system generated this:

Enterprise Search Consulting Specialists is the industry leader of world-class synergies. We apply the proverb “Look before you leap” not only to our channels but our capability to benchmark. We will extend our capability to syndicate without reducing our aptitude to syndicate. Do you have a scheme to become B2C2B? We have proven we know that it is better to morph strategically than to synthesize dynamically. The aptitude to disintermediate intuitively leads to the power to monetize efficiently. Quick: do you have a reconfigurable game plan for coping with new schemas? A company that can synthesize courageously will (at some unknown point of time) be able to incubate courageously. The metrics for raw bandwidth are more well-understood if they are not strategic. A company that can maximize elegantly will (at some point in the future) be able to expedite correctly. Your budget for reinventing should be at least twice your budget for monetizing.

Some of the news releases I receive seem to make use of this system or one that is similar. I bookmarked this gem.

Stephen Arnold, March 26, 2009


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