Google and Semantics

March 27, 2009

IEEE Journal has an unusual write up “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data” in its current issue here. The authors are an interesting crew and include three heavy hitters at the GOOG; namely, Drs. Halevy, Norvig, and Pereira. Second, the subject is semantics. Google’s view of semantics appears to be somewhat richer and more subtle than the semantics of Microsoft’s Powerset in my opinion. The authors begin with an equation, a somewhat light hearted one and conclude with a romp through disambiguation. In between these two slices of wheat, the Googlers cram a number of hints that the data management world is about to change. Is this an important write up? It sure is. How important? If you think the Codd database model is a bit long in the tooth, this essay hints that it may be put in the barn and turned into a collectible. What can one do with a resolution to the issues the good doctors touch upon? Reinvent the approach to data management perhaps? A happy quack to the reader in the UK who sent this item to me.

Stephen Arnold, March 27, 2009


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  1. » Pandia Search Engine News Wrap-up March 29 on March 29th, 2009 8:30 am

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