Library of Congress Makes Citizens as Fish Splash

March 28, 2009

For me, the Library of Congress is more of a museum than a research facility. Even Google looks like a limping dog when compared to the zippy content flashing across the Twitter spam machine. The Library of Congress, according to TechWhack here, is going to put some of its info on and Apple iTunes. Okay. But the best part of the TechWhack write up was this statement, a true classic in my opinion:

Matt Raymond, the library’s director of communications spoke about the new developments: “Our broad strategy is to ‘fish where the fish are,’ and to use the sites that give our content added value — in the case of iTunes, ubiquity, portability, etc.”.

I do like that citizens, users, customers, whatever as “fish”. Good stuff.

Stephen Arnold, March 28, 2009


One Response to “Library of Congress Makes Citizens as Fish Splash”

  1. 31 ???? ??? ???????? ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ???? « on August 18th, 2009 12:25 am

    […] Library of Congress Makes Citizens as Fish Splash ( […]

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