Storage a Problem for Most Organizations

March 30, 2009

Most people don’t know too much about Kroll, a unit of a diversified financial services firm. I was surprised, therefore, to see a public story about a survey conducted by this ultra low profile outfit. The article was “Storage Practices Don’t Match Policies” in IDM.Net, a Australian Web log here. The point of the write up was that in the Kroll survey storage policies were not particularly well conceived. The most important comment in the write up was:

The survey found that 40 percent of individuals stated that their company has a policy regarding where data should be stored. However, the survey results also revealed that 61 percent of respondents “usually” save to a local drive instead of a company network.

Makers of automated back up systems will rejoice. Attorneys suing an organization with lousy back up practices are probably dancing in the streets. Where there are informal collections of data, there is gold for the eDiscovery prospector.

If you want to know more about Kroll, click here and read the Search Wizards Speak with David Chaplin, one of the developers of Engenium, an interesting software for extracting nuggets from these data gold mines.

Stephen Arnold, March 30, 2009


One Response to “Storage a Problem for Most Organizations”

  1. Kroll Ontrack Data Recovery | on August 3rd, 2009 2:02 pm

    […] Storage a Problem for Most Organizations ( […]

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