Simplexo: Single Click Enterprise Search

April 11, 2009

I wrote about Simplexo in September 2008. You can read that article here. I received a question about open source search vendors last week. As a result, I updated my files. Here’s summary of the information I added to my database.

Simplexo is a privately held company in the UK. The company says here that it “is focused on delivering a new experience in enterprise search.” The product is available in two versions:

  • An open source version. This version can be used used in-house by developers without charge under the Open Source GPL2 licence
  • A commercial version 9.x. This is a Windows Service application fully-supported via an annual subscription.

The company’s licensing statement is here. The 2008 Butler Group write up is here.

The company supplied one of the first applications to BSkyB for secure online voting.

The features of the product are interesting. The system can acquire and index structure and unstructured information. The approach is to maintain two indexes. One allows access to the structured data from Oracle, SAP or other enterprise applications. The second index handles the unstructured information. One nice feature is the system’s ability to search other indexes, including Microsoft Search Server and Autonomy’s indexes. The company asserts that throughput is can hit 10 million documents in 24 hours. I don’t have the basic server configuration for this throughput rate, but most organizations running SharePoint environments will have to look for a solution once the documents in the SharePoint environment hit 50 million.

A user can specify parameters, use Boolean, or run free text queries. The system supports phrase searching. The system can be integrated into Lotus Notes and Microsoft Office. Security features include encryption, single sign on, and user authentication.

Simplexo says that the system can support more than 600,000 simultaneous users. Another interesting claim is that queries execute six times faster than queries run on Google’s enterprise system. Queries are processed in parallel to the two indexes.

A desktop version for Outlook will be available later in 2009. You can register to download the software when it becomes available. The desktop information page is here. The news release about the desktop version is here.

Stephen Arnold, April 11, 2009


One Response to “Simplexo: Single Click Enterprise Search”

  1. Webhamer Weblog: Search & ICT-related blogging » links for 2009-04-17 on April 17th, 2009 7:37 pm

    […] Simplexo: Single Click Enterprise Search : Beyond Search The features of the product are interesting. The system can acquire and index structure and unstructured information. The approach is to maintain two indexes. One allows access to the structured data from Oracle, SAP or other enterprise applications. The second index handles the unstructured information. One nice feature is the system’s ability to search other indexes, including Microsoft Search Server and Autonomy’s indexes. The company asserts that throughput is can hit 10 million documents in 24 hours. I don’t have the basic server configuration for this throughput rate, but most organizations running SharePoint environments will have to look for a solution once the documents in the SharePoint environment hit 50 million. (tags: toread enterprisesearch simplexo searchengine) […]

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