MeFeedia: Video Your Way – Just Like a Burger

April 14, 2009

A happy quack to the reader who sent me a link to this news release wrapped in a package. The headline was “Multimedia Search Engine MeFeedia Brings Order to the Video Web” and you can read it here. The MeFeedia system provides these improvements:

  • Layout
  • Site performance. The story said, “The new site also loads three times as fast, due in part to its new tableless design and highly efficient multimedia search engine.”
  • Navigation

The service provides access to video, TV shows, music, news, and movies.

My test queries returned some useful results. I did like the tag at the foot of each item in the results list that provided the source and other information about the video clip; for example, “Howcast – Most Recent Videos in Travel |“.

The challenges any video search site faces are significant:

First, there’s the issue of deep pockets. It costs big piles of dollars and euros to pay for bandwidth and lawyers. Which consumes more money is up for grabs. I am not sure pre roll advertising will do the job for any video site.

Second, there’s the problem of marketing in the shadows of and the distant second place challenged Even Google is opening a new video service with its pal Universal. More information about that deal is here.

The goslings and I want MeFeedia to succeed. Our query for geese returned this result, which is similar to the comments I get about my opinions expressed in this Web log by azure chipped consultants who are trying to earn a living as a “real” journalist.

Stephen Arnold, April 14, 2009


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