Lousy Sales, Trust Your Search Engine Marketing Consultant
May 2, 2009
Short honk: Remarkable assumptions make this short article quite interesting. The title sets the stage: “Why It’s Important to Trust Your SEM Company in a Down Economy” here. The author Scott Buresh is a search engine marketing consultant, and he addresses an issue that struck me as counter intuitive – trust a marketer. Hmm. Not only is it important to trust a marketer in a lousy economy. You need leads. Do you use your network? Do you make phone calls? Nope, you trust your search engine marketing consultant. Mr. Buresh wrote:
It’s probably true for most businesses that there are fewer people actively searching for their products and services due to the economic climate. Companies reasonably approach this situation thinking, “Why should we pay the same amount in marketing that we’ve traditionally been paying when our current target market has shrunk?”
The points seems reasonable to me, but Mr Buresh has a different viewpoint:
Although the budget you allocate for a search engine marketing company and its services may be fixed, it’s likely that many of your competitors have lost their budgets, opening up the playing field and potentially allowing you to garner more of the business that’s still out there.
You get the idea. I don’t trust search engine marketers in a good economy. In a down economy, I put my billfold in my AMSEC safe and hide the key.
Stephen Arnold, May 2, 2009