Page of Google: UMich Commencement Speech

May 3, 2009

Short honk: you can read the text of Larry Page’s commencement address at the University of Michigan here. For me the most intersecting comment in the talk was this passage:

When I was here at Michigan, I had actually been taught how to make dreams real! I know it sounds funny, but that is what I learned in a summer camp converted into a training program called Leadershape. Their slogan is to have a “healthy disregard for the impossible”. That program encouraged me to pursue a crazy idea at the time: I wanted to build a personal rapid transit system on campus to replace the buses. It was a futuristic way of solving our transportation problem. I still think a lot about transportation — you never loose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby. Many things that people labor hard to do now, like cooking, cleaning, and driving will require much less human time in the future. That is, if we “have a healthy disregard for the impossible” and actually build new solutions.

The GOOG has built new solutions. No doubt.

Stephen Arnold, May 4, 2009


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