Evvie 2009 Winners: David Evans and Martin Baumgartel

May 4, 2009

Stephen E. Arnold of ArnoldIT.com, http://www.arnoldit.com, announced the Evvie “best paper award” for 2009 at Infonortics’ Boston Search Engine Meeting on April 28.

The 2009 Evvie Award went to Dr. David Evans of Just Systems Evans Research for “E-Discovery: A Signature Challenge for Search.” The paper explains the principal goals and challenges of E-Discovery techniques. The second place award went to Martin Baumgärtel of bioRASI for “Advanced Visualization of Search Results: More Risks or More Chances?”, which addressed the gap between breakthroughs in visualization and actual application of techniques.

evvie 2009

Stephen Arnold (left) is pictured with Dr. David Evans, Just System Evans Research on the right.

The Evvie is given in honor of Ev Brenner, one of the leaders in online information systems and functions. The award was established after Brenner’s death in 2006. Brenner served on the program committee for the Boston Search Engine Meeting since its inception almost 20 years ago. Everett Brenner is generally regarded as one of the “fathers” of commercial online databases. He worked for the American Petroleum Institute and served as a mentor to many of the innovators who built commercial online.


Martin Baumgartel (left) and Dr. David Evans discuss their recognition at the 2009 Boston Search Engine Meeting.

Mr. Brenner had two characteristics that made his participation a signature feature of each year’s program: He was willing to tell a speaker or paper author to “add more content,” and after a presentation, he would ask a presenter one or more penetrating questions that helped make a complex subject more clear.

The Boston Search Engine meeting attracts search professionals, search vendors, and experts interested in content processing, text analysis, and search and retrieval. Held each year in Boston, Ev, as he was known to his friends, demanded excellence in presentations about information processing.

Sponsored by Stephen E. Arnold (ArnoldIT.com), this award goes to the speaker who best exemplifies Ev’s standards of excellence. The selection committee consists of the program committee, assisted by Harry Collier (conference operator) and Stephen E. Arnold.

This year’s judges were Jill O’Neill, NFAIS, Sue Feldman, IDC Content Technologies Group, and Anne Girard, Infonortics Ltd.

Mr. Arnold said, “This award is one way for us to respect his contributions and support his life long commitment to excellence.”

The recipients receive a cash prize and an engraved plaque. Information about the conference is available on the Infonortics, Ltd. Web site at www.infonortics.com and here. More information about the award is here. Information about ArnoldIT.com is here.


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