Google and Publishing: Some Metrics

May 7, 2009

The Guardian reported some metrics about Google and publishing. You will find the summary of a Googler’s speech at a publishing conference here. The article is “Google: We Give Publishers £3.3bn”. Highlights from the news story include:

  • A quote attributed to Googler Matt Brittin, “We want to help publishers make money online”
  • Google sends a billion clicks to publishers each month
  • Google wants to “work with publishers to improve their digital revenues and help close the gap between print and online advertising returns”.

For me, the most interesting comment in the article was this passage:

He [Matt Brittin, Googler] said publishers should look to use technology to help their digital publications move at a greater pace and keep up with consumer demand, but that while it could help, Google could not offer all the necessary solutions.

The challenge that I see is that publishers think about technology in terms of putting color pictures in newspapers and slashing costs. Technology as the term is used by Googlers may a more sophisticated approach.

I don’t think the audience was able to see a path through the swamp. I wonder if any of those Google billions were jingling in the pockets of the attendees?

Stephen Arnold, June 7, 2009


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