Browsys Twoogle

May 18, 2009

Curious about what the differences are between Googzilla’s search system and the pesky bird, Twitter. Twoogle makes it dead easy to compare results. Click here and enter the query “Wolfram Alpha”. You see a side by side display of search results from Twitter and Google.

The company said:

Twoogle aims to make easier for people to get the best of two worlds: The real-time web powered by Twitter and the most prominent sites, powered by Google. Twoogle also provides the “Tweet this search” functionality, making it easy for users to post their queries to Twitter with just one click. Twoogle is a free service, and is not responsible for the terms of service, privacy policies and practices of neither Twitter or Google.

How different are the services? Google’s results are more library like. The Twitter results have life. I fiddled with links on both services and found that there was an advantage to using both services. Here’s the result screen I saw on May 16, 2009:


Browsys Labs makes a number of products, including virtual folders here. My records suggest that Juan Sosa is the CEO.

Stephen Arnold, May 18, 2009


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