Deer Injured on the Information Superhighway: Oracle and SAP

May 29, 2009

Joshua Gliddon wrote “Oracle, SAP Are Roadkill: Technology One Chairman” here. Mr. Di Marco believes that Oracle and SAP will be killed in the marketplace, which is in a state of flux.

For me the most telling passage in the article was:

Speaking exclusively with Computerworld, in a wide-ranging interview Di Marco said that the fact that SAP and Oracle use third party implementers has lead to growing customer dissatisfaction. “Oracle and SAP are expensive, and the question is whether they are delivering value for money,” Di Marco said. Technology One competes with Oracle and SAP for mid-range businesses, educational institutions and municipalities that turn over between $250 million and $2 billion.

In terms of search, both Oracle and SAP have floundered. If Mr. Di Marco is correct, two stalwarts of big, complex, expensive enterprise software are going to struggle. Their thrashing may harm the sucker fish who depend on these huge creatures for sustenance. My hunch is that Mr. Di Marco is more than half right. One of the two is going to meet its Hummer.

Stephen Arnold, May 29, 2009


One Response to “Deer Injured on the Information Superhighway: Oracle and SAP”

  1. Dan on July 31st, 2009 12:55 am

    SAP’s ecosystem, including its implementation and services partners, gives the company global scale for a global product set in the context of a global economy. Well done to Mr. DiMarco for grabbing a headline but lets be realistic. Selling software and hardware via a channel is fundamental to the success and growth of individual vendors and the IT industry as a whole. TechnologyOne’s long term hopes of survival reside in the possibility of an acquisition in a rapidly consolidating industry.

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