Twitter and Facebook Go Army

June 3, 2009

“US Military Jumps on the Twitter Bandwagon” appeared in the New Zealand online publication. You can read the story here. I don’t know how accurate the details are, but I wanted to document the write up. According to

The US military in Afghanistan is launching a Facebook page, a YouTube site and feeds on Twitter as part of a new communications effort to reach readers who get their information on the internet rather than in newspapers, officials said Monday. The effort, which officials described as a way to counter Taliban propaganda, represents a sea change in how the military can communicate its message to foreign and American audiences.

I stumbled upon an interesting Web log several years ago called Company Command. I have lost track of that. I am not sure about the work flow required to get content on these services. Company Command offered some gems and then became a less interesting read. I wonder if the posting process will smooth.

Stephen Arnold, June 5, 2009


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