Seeing Crime the Professional Way

June 25, 2009

Most visualization is gratuitous. Where graphic representations are useful is in law enforcement. Crimes are committed by people. People have to be someplace. Putting the data, the people, and the events together makes it possible to “see” patterns. Visualization of crime related information is often a short cut to resource deployment, anticipatory planning, and budget management. You can see some open source, no cost examples in the article “20 Visualizations to Understand Crime”.


Flowing Data did a good job on this write up. Recommended for those who wonder about the value of monitoring. Adding real time data to these visualizations is a very useful innovation that some organizations are now exploring.

Stephen Arnold, June 25, 2009


One Response to “Seeing Crime the Professional Way”

  1. BellaStanley on December 2nd, 2009 7:19 pm

    I do see the value of this type of visual data. I see how it could also come in handy for knowing where sex offenders reside when a family is seeking a new town to call home. Thanks for the article Stephen!

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