Google and Scientific Tagging

June 28, 2009

In my talk on June 26, 2007 for NFAIS, a question came from one of the participants in the Webcast of my presentation. A person wanted to know if Google Scholar tagged documents with scientific and other types of more formal language. The example was “heart attack” or “myocardial infarction”. I pointed the questioner to Big Google and this query: backpain. Now scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will see these added features:


This is a component of “universal search” so you see videos, categorized results, and the more precise medical term “fibromyalgia”. My point was the Google has the capability of providing these types of added value tags to the content in Google Scholar and to Google Books, for that matter. So far for public access, more sophisticated content processing outputs are not part of these two services; that is, Google Scholar or Google Books. If you know that Google is adding more sophisticated features to these services, please, use the comments section of this Web log to alert me. As Google grows larger and changes, I have a tough time keeping track of Mother Google’s knitting. People do seem to be resonating with the notion of surfing on Google. I have accepted an invitation to give a talk at the Magazine Publishers Association shindig in New York this fall. The topic? Surfing on Google. It’s not nice to fool, Mother Google.

Stephen Arnold, June 28, 2009


One Response to “Google and Scientific Tagging”

  1. Utak-Atik Search Engine Lagi | Pieces of Mind on July 4th, 2009 7:08 pm

    […] Google and Scientific Tagging ( […]

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