Beyond Search Story Flow

July 1, 2009

Short honk: The big, addled goose will be in Europe for a week or so. Stories for Beyond Search have been prepared and three or four will run each day. When I get connectivity, I will process breaking news from the goslings. You may notice that some stories seem to refer to events that took place in June. Yep, that’s when we wrote our brand of search, content processing, and information-centric items. We tried to be reasonably timeless and retain the controversial angle we take. Keep in mind we are neither journalists, pundits, mavens, wizards, or azure chip consultants. We are not newly minted experts. Heck, we’re not even experts. This Web log is 100 percent pure marketing. We don’t spam, and we don’t think too much about how many readers it attracts. We conform to our editorial polity stated on our About pages and proudly honk, “Beyond Search, written by addled geese for those with a penchant for recycled information.” Just a beak up, gentle reader. Honk.

Stephen Arnold, July 1, 2009


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