How to Avoid Enterprise Social Network Sin

July 2, 2009

Network World’s “Seven Deadly Sins of Social Networking Security” reminded me of the assurances about the security of social networks for the enterprise. I did not believe their assurances, and after reviewing Bill Brenner’s article, I wonder how long it will be before the hyperbolists accept some grim realities. One of these is that where humans are involved, security is actually up in the air, maybe non existent.

Mr. Bremmer wrote:

By sharing too much about your employer’s intellectual property, you threaten to put it out of business by tipping off a competitor who could then find a way to duplicate the effort or find a way to spoil what they can’t have by hiring a hacker to penetrate the network or by sneaking a spy into the building.

Yep, humans. His two page article runs through a number of actions that individuals can take to button up security loopholes.

My take: social networks in the enterprise can create some exciting situations. He does not dig into the legal and life threatening issues, preferring the more tame world of legal liability. Not me. I think that social networks can create a world of excitement for pharma companies and intelligence professionals. I don’t have an answer. The 20 somethings just point out that I am an old addled goose and the vulnerabilities multiple like gerbils.

The notion of real time search of posted social comments fresh from Intranets is quite interesting, however.

Stephen Arnold, July 1, 2009


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