Google Certification Baby Steps

July 6, 2009

Microsoft’s “partner” program has been a gold mine. Partners pay to be certified. Partners pay to attend conferences. Partners spend to dedicate engineers to things Microsoft. Google has some partner savvy wizards on its staff, but the company has been taking baby steps to build a really big partner ecosystem. Today’s partners are more like junior Googlers than the Big Deal Certified Gold outfits that Microsoft has in tow.

That might be changing.

Read “Google Sets up Accreditation Programme to Safeguard Site Conversion”. You see words that suggest that Google wants to do good. You see words that dance away from Big Time Certification and Accreditation. I noted this passage:

Google has extended the project by launching the Google Conversion Professional (GCP) programmed to help brands connect with those companies it deems to be the best conversion specialists….Graham Cooke, Google UK senior ecommerce manager, said, “We want our customers to get the best ROI from their advertising. If we’re driving paid clicks to a site but they’re not converting as well as they could be, we want that to be improved.”

For this addled goose, the Google is taking some baby steps.

Stephen Arnold, July 6, 2009


2 Responses to “Google Certification Baby Steps”

  1. Steve Morris on July 6th, 2009 8:25 am

    Great post Steve, Working in the SEO business I’ve seen changes and seen it mature from purely about hits to targeted traffic and now we move to conversions. SEO’s Need to change their focus and think marketeer rather then just traffic.

  2. Google Adsense Ponzi Scheme | Finance Management - Investing Trading on July 21st, 2009 9:00 am

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